YUMI(Your Universal Multiboot Installer)是一款多系统引导U盘制作工具,支持Windows、Linux、Antivirus Rescue Disk等多种操作系统和工具的引导盘制作。YUMI的特点是其灵活性和可扩展性,用户可以根据需求将多个ISO文件写入同一个U盘,实现多系统引导。YUMI还支持持久化存储功能,用户可以在U盘中保存和管理数据,方便日常使用。
USB Bootable ISO files
Here are some bootable Live Linux distros, portable Operating Systems, Windows Installers, and system diagnostic tools that you can install and boot from USB using this software. Keep in mind that this list is by no means all inclusive.
Distribution Name | Supported Live ISO |
Debian Live | Debian is a versatile and stable distribution. Suitable for desktops, servers, and development environments.
Fedora Linux | Fedora focuses on innovation and includes the latest technologies. Ideal for developers and Linux enthusiasts. |
Linux Mint | A user-friendly Ubuntu-based distribution known for its simplicity and productivity.
OpenSUSE | OpenSUSE is a powerful, community-driven Linux distribution that offers flexibility and security, suitable for developers and sysadmins.
Puppy Linux | Lightweight, fast, and ideal for older hardware or small resource devices. Puppy Linux comes with several variations.
Ubuntu Linux | Originally derived from Debian Linux, Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distributions, known for its ease of use, extensive support, and wide range of flavors. Most support a persistent option as well for saving and restoring changes on subsequent boots.
Tiny Linux Distros | Tiny Lightweight Linux distributions designed to run on minimal resources. Ideal for older hardware or embedded systems.
Other Distros Alphabetical | Other unique Linux distributions and remixes, each offering different features and capabilities.
NetBook Distributions | Specialized distributions optimized for netbook usage, offering lightweight interfaces and features.
Linux for Chromebooks | Specialized Linux distributions optimized for Chromebook and Chromebox usage. |
Virtual Machines | Distributions designed to run within virtual machine environments for testing, isolation, or development.
Antivirus Tools | Rescue CDs and USb boot tools for scanning and removing malware from infected systems.
Penetration Testing | USB bootable Linux Distributions designed for penetration testing and ethical hacking, often including security tools and features.
System Tools | Utility distributions for system recovery, disk management, partitioning, cloning, and testing hardware.
USB Boot Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, XP Windows Media Creation Tool | Tools and ISOs for creating bootable USBs for Windows installation or recovery.
Boot and Run Windows 11 from VHD on USB | Run Windows 11 from a Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) on a USB drive for portable use.
Unlisted ISOs | Test unlisted or custom ISO files to see if they work with your system or hardware configuration.
- 重刷多装PE,FAT32, 没有single pe选项,选windows installer装入多个pe的iso,一坨屎
- 重刷单装ubuntu,FAT32, 选持久文件拉满,启动跳空。
- 重刷单装centos mini,FAT32, 启动菜单成功,进入系统异常报错,加装ubuntu入启动菜单,但选择后无反应
YUMI Legacy
- 重刷单装PE,NTFS, 选single PE,启动跳空。
- 重刷单装PE,NTFS, 选multi PE,启动跳空。
- 重刷单装PE,FAT32, 选single PE,启动成功,
- 续3再追加一个PE,启动无选择菜单,直接进新PE。
- 重刷单装PE,FAT32, 选multi PE,启动跳空。
- 重刷单装ubuntu,FAT32, 选持久文件拉满, 启动跳空
YUMI Exfat
- 重刷单装ubuntu,ExFat, 选4GB持久文件,启动成功,进try模式并使用后,重启再进try数据全在!
- 追加centos,不支持持久文件,多启动菜单,只是纯iso安装包系统,并且对R9000x引导失败。
- 追加多个PE的iso,启动菜单能选择,引导启动成功
- 没有便携版,只有安装包,特别不爽!
- YUMI-,失败
- YUMI-exFAT-,多pe和ubuntuTry持久成功