Bing Daily


Bing Daily theme for Trilium
by Nriver

00 0% complete transparent
33 20% transparent
90 50% transparent
CC 80% transparent
FF 100% no transparent

:root {
    --background-image-url: url("");

    --theme-style: dark;

    --main-font-size: normal;

    --tree-font-size: normal;

    --detail-font-size: normal;

    --monospace-font-size: normal;

    --main-background-color: #202124DD;
    --main-text-color: #ccc;
    --main-border-color: #aaa;
    --dropdown-border-color: #555;
    /* background of ckeditor popup menu */
    /* background of alert message box */
    --accented-background-color: #202124EE;
    /* #dfdedb is the invert color of #202124 */
    /* background of slider toggle button */
    --more-accented-background-color: #dfdedb22;

    --button-background-color: transparent;
    --button-border-color: #ccc;
    --button-text-color: currentColor;
    --button-border-radius: 5px;
    --button-disabled-background-color: transparent;
    --button-disabled-text-color: #999;

    --primary-button-background-color: #888;
    --primary-button-text-color: white;
    --primary-button-border-color: #999;

    --muted-text-color: #bbb;

    --input-text-color: #ccc;
    --input-background-color: #333;

    --hover-item-text-color: #ccc;
    --hover-item-background-color: transparent;
    --hover-item-border-color: #aaa;

    --active-item-text-color: black;
    --active-item-background-color: #777;
    --active-item-border-color: transparent;

    --menu-text-color: white;
    --menu-background-color: #202124EE;

    --modal-background-color: #202124CC;
    --modal-backdrop-color: #444;

    --launcher-pane-background-color: #202124CC;
    --launcher-pane-text-color: #AAAAAA;

    --left-pane-background-color: #202124EE;
    --left-pane-text-color: #AAAAAA;

    --active-tab-background-color: #202124EE;
    --active-tab-hover-background-color: #737373;
    --active-tab-text-color: #ccc;

    --inactive-tab-background-color: #20212444;
    --inactive-tab-hover-background-color: #525252;
    --inactive-tab-text-color: #bbb;

    --scrollbar-border-color: #666;
    --scrollbar-background-color: #202124DD;
    --tooltip-background-color: #202124EE;
    --link-color: lightskyblue;

    --mermaid-theme: dark;

body ::-webkit-calendar-picker-indicator {
    filter: invert(1);

body .CodeMirror {
    filter: invert(90%) hue-rotate(180deg);

.excalidraw.theme--dark {
    --theme-filter: invert(80%) hue-rotate(180deg) !important;

body .todo-list input[type="checkbox"]:not(:checked):before {
    border-color: var(--muted-text-color) !important;

body ::-webkit-calendar-picker-indicator {
    filter: invert(1);

body .CodeMirror {
    filter: invert(90%) hue-rotate(180deg);

.excalidraw.theme--dark {
    --theme-filter: invert(80%) hue-rotate(180deg) !important;

body .todo-list input[type="checkbox"]:not(:checked):before {
    border-color: var(--muted-text-color) !important;

/* background image */
    background-color: transparent !important;
    background-image: var(--background-image-url) !important;
    background-size: cover; /* Maintain aspect ratio, cover the entire background area */
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
/* mobile device adaption */
@media (max-width: 768px) {
    background-position: center center; /* Center the image */

/* launcher panel */
    background-color: #202124CC !important;
/* launcher button */
#launcher-pane .launcher-button{
    background-color: transparent !important;
/* upper left drop down menu */
    background-color: #202124DD !important;

/* left panel */
    background-color: #202124DD !important;
/* left panel float button */
.tree-actions {
    background-color: #202124DD !important;
/* quick search bar */
#left-pane,, {
    background-color: #20212477 !important;

/* gutter */
    background-color: #202124DD !important;

/* right panel */
#rest-pane {
    background-color: #202124DD !important;
/* tab panel */{
    background-color: #20212444 !important;
/* tab button */
    background-color: #20212455 !important;
/* current tab button */
.note-tab[active] .note-tab-wrapper{
    background-color: #202124EE !important;
/* child note preview */
    background-color: #202124AC !important;

/* other */
/* card/grid view */
div.note-book-card {
    background-color: #202124AA !important;

/* mobile */
.mobile .quick-search {
    background-color: #202124AA !important;

.mobile .tree-wrapper {
    background-color: #202124AA !important;

#root-widget > div:nth-child(2) > div.component {
    background-color: #202124AA !important;